10 Ways to Be Happier During the Holidays

The holidays are a busy time of year, and often, what's supposed to be magical and fun can become really stressful. Schedules get bogged down, we’ve got tons on our to-do list, and we're fighting with crowds. That’s why it’s so important to find ways to reduce holiday stress.

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Five Things to Know to Make Your Money Grow

Earning money is a skill; this is why some people are good at it and others aren’t. Money management takes a lot of time, energy, and attention because money is how we trade value. Money can create stress; it can also create moments of happiness. While money doesn't ultimately buy happiness, not worrying about money can help reduce a lot of stress that you spend a lot of time and energy on.

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Your Power to Heal Yourself with Dr. Molly Hart

Take a deep dive into the neurological basis and physical pain that fatigue causes and how to resolve it with MJ and Dr. Molly Hart. This episode reveals the power you have within yourself to not only manage the pain without medication, but also how to level up your capacity to handle more, with less stress, and live your most fulfilled and pain-free life via neuroscience.

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3 Proven Ways Gratitude Benefits You

Thanksgiving is a holiday best used to set forth an intention to have a grateful heart. Gathering around your holiday table and seeing all the happy, healthy smiles, is the perfect time to focus on the feeling of gratitude and instill it every day.

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How Minimalism Accelerates your Dreams

Abundance flows in and out in multiple different ways and there's way that has been tried and true… I would be lying to say that it doesn’t exist in my life. Whether it is science based or not, it is something that has rendered better results for me. And that vehicle is the “Law of attraction”.

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Top 5 Advanced Minimalist Mistakes

Minimalism is a way of life, a way to find balance and clarity, and to clearly distinguish boundaries for your mental health, your relationships, your space, and your own physical capacity. I want to share the five common mistakes that I see veteran minimalists make, so that you can transition into it more smoothly.

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Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue with Mindset (with Erika De Pellegrin)

Is it possible that you could be going through adrenal fatigue? In this podcast episode, MJ interviews a special guest, Erika de Pellegrin, who shares her own personal experience with adrenal fatigue and how she recovered from it. Tune in to learn about what it is like for somebody else to struggle with and go through the process of getting through adrenal fatigue while maintaining different levels of balance in life.

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When Chaos Makes us Snap

About to Snap? Do THESE 3 Things NOW! How can you create a barrier from negativity in your life? It’s difficult – we experience the idea of “should” in our minds. These moments come up, and we have negative thoughts or judge something poorly. You feel you’ve responded in a way that you’re not proud of…

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Own Your Power (with April Garcia)

Managing energy and getting out of your own way are two simple, yet often difficult things for most entrepreneurs. MJ Gordon talks with April Garcia about simple solutions to overcoming these… in addition to high performance habits, self sabotage, and getting out of your own way.

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THIS Philosophy Could End Your Suffering

The idea of self-responsibility, taking out judgment, understanding where and what you can control, acceptance, temperance of will, etc. these are the ideas rooted in stoicism. In this blog, I want to talk about some of the few principles of stoicism and how it relates to helping you create life on your terms and level up your energies and your successes…

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