Overcoming Inflammation - Improve Your Health, Energy & Comfort

What is inflammation? The dictionary definition is a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.

Inflammation is one of the root causes for many issues within our body. Most illnesses or dis-ease within the body has symptoms of inflammation.

Inflammation can cause:

  • Acidity - a breading ground for dis-ease

  • Migraines Headaches

  • Feelings of exhaustion

  • Weakened immune system

  • Slow healing

  • Lack of sleep

  • Pain or discomfort

The key to dealing with inflammation is to address it as soon as possible. The two main factors I like to focus on are pH and Blood Sugar levels. Doing so has really leveled up my health, energy and life.

So how do we deal with inflammation?


When you don’t sleep, your body becomes inflamed. When you eat acid forming foods, you body becomes inflamed. When you eat toxic foods, your body becomes inflamed. When you mix certain foods, like dairy, starches and meats your body becomes inflamed. You are 70-80% water, if you’re not drinking enough water you’re not replenishing what your cells need, not only to thrive, but to flush toxins and process the way it’s suppose to. Thats why FOOD, REST & HYDRATION are #1!


  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Raw fruits and vegetables

  • Alkaline water - when you’ve worked out extra hard, you’re extra sore, if you’re feeling sick or experiencing higher levels off stress

  • Lemon water

  • Apple Cider Vinegar by itself or as a base in dressing

  • Digestive enzymes


Stress is necessary and unavoidable but at the same time the way we perceive stress is very devaluing to our health, well-being and prospective and experience of life. Stress is something that happens when we have reached our capacity, keep in mind I’m not saying completely avoid stress, you just need to implement the proper rehabilitation and restoration needed after times of stress to make it a positive thing for you.


Nothing is going to reset the system and get you feeling good and energetic like moving your body! You don’t have to do a massive HIIT program everyday, you don’t have to bust out the heavy weights, you just need to move. Walking, swimming, dancing, light weight or body cardio, all of this works, just keep it fun, simple and easy.

I hope these tips are helpful!

Have you had an issue with inflammation? What helped you? Feel free to leave you thoughts and comments below.

Until next time,
-MJ :)