No! You’re not crazy, we are no longer in a place where we just want to survive, we want to thrive!

The biggest thing here is to just get honest with yourself, to do that ask yourself why? Why do you want to hustle more? Is it because it’s a new fad, it’s the new cool thing to do; it’s the right thing to do? Or are you not satisfied with your life? Do you feel like you were meant to do more or be more?

If you are currently in a roll of leadership, why are you doing it? Let us know below!



Lets get clear, if you are doing this for results, which of course we are doing it for results but I’m talking result oriented for the ego. If so you’re going to feel dissatisfied, like you are giving and giving and not receiving in return, you’re not getting anywhere…

 It comes down to a perspective of a result rather than effort. This makes a huge difference when it comes to having a growth mindset. You want to focus on your efforts not your results. Yes when we are in business we need a certain level of results but I’m talking about on a personal level, why you’re pushing so hard and expecting so much out of yourself.  So ask yourself if it’s the results that give you satisfaction or the efforts?

 Another good question to ask yourself is “Am I comparing myself to others?” There is of course a healthy level on comparison but when there is frustration behind your comparison, a feeling of lack and unworthiness, negativity, dissatisfaction or disappointment, this thinking only decrease your level of satisfaction with life and what you’re doing rather than lifting you up and elevating you.


 Are you stoked about life? Do you feel like you are hustling for the greater good? Are you executing because it is fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful, all of this will naturally make you excited, despite the struggles and burn out!

 Is your perspective journey focused? Life becomes so fulfilling when your focus is put onto the journey rather than the destination. Instead of hustling to meat a monetary goal how do you think it would feel to be hustling so you can help as many people as possible and then just simply enjoying those people, and the time you get with them along the way!

 I’m getting energized just talking about this, how do you think it would feel to be living it? It’s naturally energizing and exciting! So why wouldn’t you want to hustle for the greater good?

 So keep pushing, keep hustling!

Until next time,
be good, be great and most of all be grateful,