I like to think of myself as a high capacity person but some of the people I admire and look up to have way more capacity for more, they have great attitudes, they hustle though the day, they get stuff done, they doe stuff from themselves and for everybody around them, they have amazing results and create beautiful things!

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 At a very young I started to question what’s the difference between them and me?

 We all have 24 hours in a day, we have access to similar resources so what is it?

 Through my observation I’ve narrowed it down to 5 Non-Negotiable Values.

 #1 VALUES OVER MONEY I don’t know any (materially) successful people in my life that are obsessed about money; they hold their values over money. Money is seen as a tool to help and give or to create something meaningful, but in the end the thing they stand by is values.

 #2 HIGH QUALITY PEOPLE It’s simple really; ask yourself “does this elevate my life?”  Do these people elevate my life?

#3 MINDSET High capacity people always seem to be learning, growing, open minded. In my experience, no one has ever been a “know it all” they always leave space for other to be right and are so patience and understanding.

 #4 HEALTH Health is huge and to live a high capacity life you have to do all you can to maintain it! My mentors, friends and successful people I have been able to spend time with have always had something to say about health. They get that health is needed in order to optimize their time and energy!

 #5 SELF CONFIDENCE Even if there is doubt, you don’t feel it, judgments of others are not worrisome, and it always seems that high capacity people either find their way or pave one for themselves!

 Now, I personally have not mastered any of these but becoming aware has helped me in life tremendously.

 I hope this has added value, more time and energy and maybe even a push towards becoming that high capacity person that you are capable of being.

 Be good, be great, and most of all be grateful.