When World Drama Weighs You Down


The global community is dealing with a lot of important topics, and while it seems we’ve reached a level where we're actually having difficult conversations, we can still do better. A larger problem is starting to develop: We’re starting to become a society that has zero tolerance for differences.

Imposing our perspectives and judging other people simply isn't healthy. It is absolutely draining on our energy. The division keeps us from focusing on what's truly important.

Here are 3 ways to avoid this energy wormhole and instead work toward solutions…

#1 Stay Open
It’s important to listen and try to understand both sides. The more that you listen, the more you empathize. The more you empathize, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you realize …you don’t know.

Aside from extremists, each side typically has very valid points and you can see how both sides are just trying to do right by what they believe. Oftentimes you can see where the conflict exists and why it can be so difficult to decide what you feel is right or wrong, and why you can have differing or opposing topics.

#2 Stay True To You
Hold firm to your values and priorities, but also understand that other people are trying to do the same. We’re only human. We have differing perspectives, experiences, goals, priorities, and beliefs.

If it is your right to live and experience those perspectives, it is anybody else's right to live and experience theirs. It’s one thing to be enabling something that is extremely wrong and harmful to other people, the planet, or to humanity, but most of these topics are simple arguments of preferences.

#3 Find Love
At the end of the day, we’re all people, and we all want love. Most people just want to be able to live life as openly and as beautifully as possible. A lot of people want what's best for society and for the future. Instead of fighting about whether or not something should be allowed or not, let's focus on the actual problems and create solutions together.

If you really truly care about these bigger problems that exist throughout, then it’s time to really focus on what the true goal is. Eliminate the rest of the noise. I challenge you to lead with love.

It's really important to talk about our differences, bring up hard topics, and think about ways to move past our differences and toward solutions to hard problems. And I think it's really important that this is done consciously with the intention of love, openness, understanding, and support, regardless if we agree or not.

Without that, there is no solution. There is only separation, which leads to energetic drain, too much stress, and compromised health of both individuals and of society as a whole. We can do a lot of great things together, and that is my hope for sharing this here. So love and light to everyone, and may you go forth and spread it out into the world.

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