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When you are your full, authentic self you feel balanced, you easily connect, and you inspire other. But let me ask you this: Most days do you feel like life is too complicated?

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you feel like you’re juggling too many things. You’re trying to manage your schedule, your clients, your team, your kids… The to-do’s pile up, YOU get put on the back burner, and it feels there’s no end in sight. The life that you thought you were creating, full of meaning and joy, is too often filled with stress and exhaustion.

My name is MJ Gordon and my goal is to help provide you with clear steps that help you recover your energy, get control over your schedule, and take back your time. By creating the right life and business systems, you will be able to regain balance and momentum. Your next level is a life that serves your highest purpose, supports your best self, and leaves you with the time and energy to enjoy.

Check out available freebies in the products above ⬆️ to get started and connect with me and our wonderful community. I look forward to seeing you around!


My goal is to help you get off the endless treadmill and flip the script, so you’re gaining the balance you need to have more life energy, instead of business creating stress and sucking the energy from your life!

You’ll learn how to reset your nervous system. By training your brain and body to automatically restore and build energy, you’ll start feeling more like yourself and more in control.

You’ll learn how to create life and business systems that will optimize your time and productivity so you can optimize and start moving toward your next level of business and life.

You’ll expand on your relationships on a deeper and more meaningful level, including your connection with yourself, your family, team, community, your mission and purpose.



Let’s take you from where you are to where you want to go…

  • Create balance, find peace, and get back in touch with yourself.

  • Experience sanity and confidence, even under stressful circumstances.

  • Reconnect with your spouse and kids, enjoy time together again.

  • Get back to your personal goals like fitness and hobbies.

  • Make progress and achieve your next level of life and business.

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The most highly requested training! In this Free Training I teach you the #1 thing you can do today to instantly lower stress, feel better, and be more productive. If you want to know the fastest way to recover your energy, this training is for you. I’m holding nothing back!


I always believed my life was destined for something amazing, something I could look back and say, "Wow, I have no regrets because I've truly lived." I never really bought into the idea that I was meant to sacrifice working a job I hated in order to buy things that didn't matter, to impress people I didn't really know or like. Although I had doubts on whether or not I could live the life I envisioned, what I learned was life altering and mind-blowing: Almost everything I believed and had invested my time in, were the exact things that held me back from creating my best life...